Well we got all settled and luckily the hospital was right around the corner. We were excited to be seeing our former NICU crew. I of course anticipated meltdowns and complete chaos. It was held at the Medical City Children's Hospital. All the graduates from the last few years up until the last few weeks were in attendance. We got to see the doctors and nurses also which was great. One of our most beloved nurses was not there sadly because she no longer worked there. What a bummer :( . We got to see our good friends the Haaser's, their daughter was a pod mate with H. Their daughter was born a micro premie and will now be 2 in to a few weeks. She is an amazing little girl.
We stuck out the event as long as we could but had to take a break oi we headed up to Ante Partum to see my favorite crew of nurses. Those ladies played such a huge part of my life for my very extended stay at the hospital. It always comforts me when I get to see them. After the visit we headed back down to the party as it was now clearing out. H got to play with his podmate Sarah and us parents got to chat. Shortly after we headed back to our hotel for down time.
I am going to venture to say H didn't get enough down time because dinner with my sister and brother in law was a huge fail! Basically the table behind us raced through their meal because, I assume they were not a fan of our child going totally bonkers. Its not like we actually got to enjoy or meal but it was still nice to hang out with my family.
Ill be honest I am not sure what possessed us to head to Babies R Us after dinner but the evening was still young and we are all about treating fate in our house lol. So off we went and I am glad we did! We ran into our NICU friends Bob and Stephanie and theory darling daughter Sarah. Who knew you could have so much fun in a two story toy store an hour before closing time! H did great. He played with Sarah and didn't have any issues at all. We so need one of these out in Abilene!
Of course what's a trip with out a bit of breathing issues? We ended up doing a treatment at the hotel and that settled H enough for him to go to sleep. Thank goodness because he did not nap all day! He must have known Sunday would be just as action packed and he would need to bring his A game ha ha.
Today we got packed up grabbed my oldest son Sean and headed to Grapevine. We took in a little Bass Pro Shop and Grapevine Mills. The mall was fun and crazy. H was pretty anxious the while time. I mean who could blame him the place was packed! Sean got to do the bungie trampoline and had so much fun. He got lucky some guy handed him a free ticket go do it. I really wanted to do it but oh well lol.
My sister Jordan was so awesome and made two cookie cakes for Hannah's birthday party today. We headed to her place to decorate. She wins the cool aunt award for letting Sean draw butts on the spare cookie that she made. She really does love my kids. I wish she had felt better so she could have joined us tonight. She was there in spirit.
Hannah is a figure skate so of course she wanted a skating party. We had the ice rented for just her friends and family. I put my skates on and tried to get H to do it. He had been before and had fun this time he wanted nothing to do with it. I did finally get him out for a bit but this ended in a meltdown. Its ok poor baby was totally over this whole busy weekend. I was however relieved that we didnt have to leave early do to him melting down and over stimulating. We had a great time and ate some very yummy cookie cakes compliments of Jordan.
We are now heading back to Abilene. H crashed out in the back and I am writing this on my phone. If there are typos I apologize because this touch screen usually adds crazy stuff and auto correct loves to put in its own words ha ha.
Well that was our crazy weekend. I am sure 5am is going to come mighty early. ECI starts this week so fingers crossed. We are starting to see a trend at school so this is helping us hart progress and triggers. Now I just need to relax and breathe. I hope all of you enjoyed your weekend. Ill reporting an update Tuesday to let everyone know how his first session went.
Ill leave you with some highlights of the weekend......

Off to the reunion

H and his podmate Sarah

H and Sarah trying to take all the trucks off the shelf

Weeeeeee!!!! Let's go for a ride!

Sean doing the bungee trampoline at Grapevine

The birthday cookie

Fun with Aunt Jordan and the butt cookie!
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Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4
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