
Sunday, January 24, 2010

A little of this a little of that!

So I am sitting in the car last night with my wonderful fiance and he turns to me and asks... "when are you going to update your blog it's been awhile?" I was like well maybe tonight I don't know I mean I really haven't felt well and I don't really have to much to report but I am sure I can find something to write about.
I guess in my last blog I mentioned we had set a date for the wedding ect. Well as most already know I had a slight freak out/breakdown and have just decided to do Justice of the Peace. I want to have a big party though for all my family and friends so we can celebrate. We have changed the date to Friday Feb. 26th on Saturday Chris and I will head to the Ft. Worth Stock Yards to take some newly wed pictures with my wonderful friend Heather with Chunky Monkey Photography. Chris is so excited he loves the Stock Yards and I know this will be a super fun place for us to do some cute pictures. So for those of you who had cleared your schedule for the 27th of Feb. sorry I don't mean to disappoint but honestly I can't handle putting a wedding together and I need something low key and simple.
I know my sisters are disappointed they had such wonderful ideas but I do hope to use them for our wedding celebration. Jenny sent me some awesome invites to use so I can't wait to use those. I also know Jordan and Jenny have a signature drink they want to use so I am sure they can't wait to put that all together either. As for registering I am really getting to it. I have had a few people ask already but I am going to register at my fave place.... Target!!
I have been sick off and on for about 10 days now and finally starting to feel like I am getting back to normal. I love having Chris here to take care of me on the weekends. Unfortunately he has weekend duty next weekend so it will be a quiet weekend with just Sean and I. I am sure he will love having mommy all to himself. Or maybe he will just love having the Wii and Xbox ha ha.
The kids are doing great at school and at home. They are always busy and up to something. Hannah and Ella have a skating competition in Plano the weekend of Valentines day. Once I get that schedule I will post it on here and FB so that those interested can come watch.
Well like I said not much to report for now. Sorry so short and boring. Maybe more soon. Hope everyone is doing well and has a fantastic week. Well I am super sleepy and off to bed. Night all!

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