
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Here comes the...................

Yes if you fill in the blank correctly that would be bride. Since around Christmas Chris and I have been discussing whether or not we should wait till after his next deployment to get married or just do it now. After talking to much debate and talking to family we decided why not do it now, that along with other news on Chris' end has help us decide this is for the best for us. To dispel any rumors also no we are not expecting that's not why we are pushing up the wedding.
After spending the last few days myself just contemplating after some recent issues also I figured that I needed to just buckle down and start making plans and get the ball rolling on this. Tonight I sat down and said that's it we want to get married in February since after that it gets busy with birthdays and my sister Jenny's wedding. I also did not want to overshadow her wedding either. So tonight I emailed my family and said give me your addresses and clear the date Chris and I are getting married Feb 27th! Since I sent that out I have been overwhelmed with responses. That's why its taking forever to do this blog tonight.
I love that my sisters have been emailing me with wonderful ideas! I love the fact they are so into this. My aunt and my cousins have also been full of ideas also! So I have a amazing photographer set, My cousin Julie will officiate the wedding, I have my aunts house for the festivities, My sisters have picked out signature drinks and have come up with a yummy menu, Chris and I have picked out and purchased our wedding bands, so now all I need to do is find a dress, pick out some flowers, get some music together, and figure out the other pieces to this and make sure its exactly how Chris and I want this.
Our plan is to take the Friday before and Monday after off for this wedding stuff. I am excited, nervous and scared thinking about all of this. Why do you ask would I be scared and nervous.... Well a month ago my divorce was final and today would have marked mine and Jason's 8 year wedding anniversary. I know that this time is so much different but still those fears linger in the back of my mind. I know how happy we will be and we will have a wonderful life together. I am excited about our new life and all that is to come. Everyone has given us such wonderful advice and I am thankful for all of it.
Now its time for me to wrap this up. I need some sleep and time to talk to my man! I hope to start blogging a bit more now that this wedding is coming up. Hope everyone had a wonderful New Years. I know we did. Good night all!

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