
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A world of craziness!!

WOW its been about 10 days since I last wrote. I had every intention of writing but with all that's been going on I really had no time to stop and write. I planned on writing the Thursday before Chris came home but someone had other plans. As most of you know Chris came home a day early and wow everyone seemed to know it but me! I posted a note about it on FB so you will have to check it out if you haven't already. I can honestly say he never seems to stop amazing me and is always full of surprises. I love it and I hope it never stops!

Some of the highlights of his homecoming beyond him coming home a day early where........ having and extra set of hands to help out around the house, a lunch date during the week, shopping for his new wardrobe ( there are some pictures on FB!), seeing my aunt Karen and Uncle Doug, getting to see the rehearsals for the ice show, our trip to Abilene to poke around the base and check out the houses ( my favorite part!), my friends 30th birthday dinner along with a evening at the W hotel. These where just a few of the highlights but honestly just having him home and spending time with us was the greatest part of all. I will admit though it tossed my usual routine through a loop but we quickly readjusted. As always the trip went by way to fast. It was Monday morning before we knew it. That right there was bitter sweet. Yes he left to go to Florida but that means he will be heading back to move and will be here for Thanksgiving and on the weekends now! There is my silver lining.

Monday was for sure a readjustment for all of us. We came home from work and I felt that stress of all that I had to do building up. I got through it though we did home work, ordered pizza and got settled in to bed ( my bed!) I have struck a horrible deal with my kids which I know I will pay for somehow some way but I am picking and choosing my battles now. If it gets them to go to bed then fine let them lay in my bed while I am out in the living room cleaning, using the computer what ever. I just move them to their beds when I am ready for bed. For now it works so I am going with it. Today was much better and on the upside Chris got a new truck. He is busy packing up the U-Haul with his family so his mom and him can leave bright and early Wednesday morning to make the trip to Texas. The plan is to get here Friday pick me up head to Abilene to spend the weekend. I am excited because I will be spending my weekend on base. That is a whole new experience right there. I enjoyed my trip there last weekend so I am sure this will be much more fun and exciting.

Well it's time to wrap this up. Chris is on the phone and laundry needs to be put away. Hopefully I will get back in the habit of writing. I have truly missed it actually. Have a great week everyone!

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