
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

72 hours and counting.....

This will more than likely be short and sweet but in 72 hours Chris comes home. I feel weird obsessing about it but then again the whole deal is so exciting. Right now he is on a bus for a long trip to Seoul where he will stay till he leaves at 6am Friday morning. I just found out that there have been changes with his flight so he has to be at the airport at 6am since they are moving people around. So there is a chance he won't be in at 3:30pm like planned but either earlier or later. I am a planner I need to know these things. Another box arrived yesterday so we are at 4 boxes with only 4 more to go. The house is coming along quiet nicely. I just have a few minor things left. I can complete most of that tomorrow and if not I can do it Thursday once we get home from the rink.
Today was the first day I woke up with a bad case of nerves. I was starting to feel it last night and didn't want to eat dinner. I crashed out quickly and woke up with this crazy feeling in my stomach. Was I coming down with something? Did I sleep weird? Ohhhhh no its nerves!!! I barely ate today either. I would try and feel ick. I tried to snack it worked out ok for me. I was so busy with Hannah's project I didn't feel like eating again tonight. Chris gave me a lecture on eating before he left tonight. But part way through our conversation his stomach started doing flip flops so hummmm right? Tomorrow being Wednesday I am at the half way point of the week and I think my nerves will get a bit worse and the anxiety will increase! While we are at the rink Thursday he be heading to the airport. I doubt sleep will happen at all that night.
So many thoughts and emotions right now its insane. I am ADD as it is so this is only adding to my problem ha ha! I am working on a project with Hannah for school so this is something else to occupy the mind also. I only burned 7 of my 10 fingers tonight with the glue so at least I didn't get them all!! While I want to curse her teacher for a project the week my fiance comes home and I have a million and one things to do I also sort of welcome a new challenge to get my mind off of things. Her teacher and I played a bit of phone tag today. We both wanted to talk and discuss her progress with her tutor. I see improvement. Lets hope she agrees. Well time to end my shortest blog yet. I feel the eyes getting sleepy. I have laundry covering the bed so I am out on the couch. This lazy tactic also is doubling in the fact that after this week I will be in my own room. So far Ella has adjusted well. I was on the couch last night and she didn't notice. Lets hope it goes the same tonight. Well thanks for reading my crazy ramblings. I feel a bit better now. Night night!!

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