
Saturday, January 3, 2015

A Whole New World

Yesterday H had his ABA assessment with Taylor. I have, we have been waiting for this day for two years. Not all therapies are covered by insurance unfortunately, especially some of the more successful ones ironically. Our hold up was the lack of money to cover this therapy as it can run at least 100.00 an hour. However now that they have what is called a Tech it costs us about half that so we just have to get through the initial consult and then we are golden when it comes to the his weekly sessions. Yesterday was a 2 hour meeting where they tested him in various areas to see strength and weakness. We got a lot of input in that short time and after hearing what she had to say I started to feel this weight slowly move off my shoulders and chest. The fog was starting to lift and things I didn't I would be able to see were starting to appear.

When Taylor was telling me about social aspects and escape tactic I was relieved to hear she had a plan for that. Between home and school H has found many ways to avoid tasks that he does not prefer. Some have gotten to the point where it becomes a huge knock down meltdowns. He struggles of course with social situations where its not what he wants, when he wants and how he wants it. Yes this could also be typical 4 yr old behavior but also at this age they start to learn and make progress we seem to either stay at a standstill and or regress in these places.

When we got in the car I really started thinking about how things are about to change, how they are going to impact not only H but our entire family.  He is about to learn so much more now. We are going to learn so much more.

Its crazy to think this has been almost 2.5 years in the making. Its pretty overwhelming and emotional actually. You think about all your child's struggles and deficits, and how it can hold them back, you want to help them but these things are just beyond your power and control. You, as a parent feel inferior. However you meet these amazing therapists and they take on a missing role in your family. They help bridge this gap to make you even stronger and cohesive. They are your missing link.

Fast forward to today January 3 and we had our two hour home visit:
It was productive and rewarding. Taylor came to the house and saw our family in action. She spent a small amount of time playing with H to see how his play skills were. They are good minus the social interaction and having his toys messed with. She also saw how his interactions with his siblings are also. That was very hit and miss. He has some demanding and needy behaviors. Some are pure behavioral while others are sensory seeking and just where he lacks.

The highlight was when she had the kids come to the table and ask them what they see. Perfect! They will be getting sibling training. The kids are excited to know this is their time to shine and be apart of helping their brother learn and grow.  Once a month there will be a home visit, so in preparation for it the children will document what they have seen improve and what they see still needs help and new things that need to be addressed. This way we can see overall where he is progressing.

Each week he will go three times for an hour and a half. Some will be at the rehab facility some will be in the home. All of this over time will help him at home, in school and other social situations. The other bonus is Taylor will be apart of our ARD meetings now. I think we have a pretty stellar team. A team, that is what it takes. Some say it takes a village to raise a child. It takes a village, a team to help raise the special needs children. Our team is about to go and take on on the world!

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