
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Busy! Busy!

Evening folks! I promise to make this blog a bit more enjoyable than my last. I was just having a real down time with things and had to vent so to speak.

So this past weekend was wonderful in so many ways. Friday night my husband came home and we attended a wonderful rehearsal dinner for my little sister Jenny. Jenny is my middle sister who lives in Austin. Her husband Nate is such a wonderful man. He is so smart, funny and loves my sister like mad! We had a great dinner at Momo's where we sat and talked the night away with family. I loved sitting with my sisters and cousin Kristen reliving our childhood days and the crazy things we did. I have to say Jenny's hair dying faze topped the chart! HA HA!

Saturday Chris and I had an enjoyable breakfast at Chick-fil-A. Then off to run last minute errands and grab Sean. The wedding was at 7pm at my cousin Kristen's house. She has raised Jenny like her own daughter for the last 12 years and she has done an amazing job. Her house was set up quiet nicely inside and out for this wonderful ceremony. The service itself was held out doors. Yes it might have been a steamy June night but with the nice breeze no one seemed to mind. The service was lovely short and sweet. Nate was not afraid to show his emotional side. I have posted the pictures to my facebook page I hope to have more from others soon to post. We had a great time and stayed till Jenny and Nate where ready to call it a night!

Sunday was Sean's 10th birthday party! Wow can you believe on the 22nd he will be 10 years old?! The time is just flying by! We had his party at the Galleria. He wanted to do broomball so him and about 7 of his friends went and played for an hour. We had some wonderful cake and Cici's pizza. I think the party was a hit. Thank you so much David and Myranda. We had a great evening!!

Monday morning was my doctors apt. Chris and I have been a little nervous about it due to what has been going on. Of course what kind of morning before a doctors be without what I later found out where contractions. I woke up did my usual routine of a breathing treatment ect. and decided to lay back down for a few since I was tired. I started having the most horrible cramping you can imagine so bad you can't talk or move! It's been 5 years since I have had pains like that so of course I really don't remember what the "real" contractions feel like. Of course this caused Chris to worry a little and when I was able I said I was fine and why worry in an hour we would be at the doctors. It happened a few more times so I casually mentioned some severe cramping ect. She looked alarmed and then I was really alarmed! I was put on monitors for a stress test for 20 minutes to check Hunters movement and see if they detected anymore contractions. Fortunately for both of us nothing happened except a child who really, really does not like the monitor pressing on his "home"! He did plenty of movement for everyone to be satisfied that I would not need to be admitted to the Ante Partum unit again! Thank you son!!
They also tested for infection and all came back clear! They did say if I continue to have these contractions to call ASAP for a recheck. We also discussed my lungs and agreed that I should check in with that doctor this week to make sure all was clear on that end too. I have an apt. later this week.

As most of you know I am trying to finish up my Child Development Associate Certificate. This has been a long process due to so much family stuff coming up preventing me to complete it. The time has come now and now I am registered for the summer course at Brookhaven. I meet with my professor/ advisor on Thursday to check out my resource file ect. and make sure I have everything completely 100% in order ready for my evaluation from the evaluator from DC! It has been quiet nerve racking actually. I hope that I have this completed well before Hunter decides to arrive. That is my goal and I feel very strongly about it. I just hope everything is the way it should be Thursday so that I can get this show on the road!

Well that about catches everyone up for now. I am sure I will blog this weekend. Hope everyone has a wonderful week. Time to go catch some zzzzzzzz's!

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