
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Catching up!

Wow its been like 2.5 weeks since I wrote. Life this time of year has a way of getting away from you. It certainly has in this house. Saturday marked the end of our most hectic time of year with the Holiday Tree Lighting Celebration at the Galleria. So much has been going on and I have wanted to blog but when I get home lately all I want to do is crash and burn. So now that I am on vacation for the next 12 days I will have no excuses right?!
So here is the long and short of whats been happening with us:
1. The divorce is final and life has been going super well. In fact it was more quick and painless than I had expected it to be.
2. I learned that these Ice shows take a ton out of you! Next year I will not be skating I will happily enjoy watching my kids skate while I do the mom thing and take a zillion pictures!!
3. Having an extra set of hands around has been great even if it is only on the weekends! Still help is help right?!
4. I am super excited about Christmas this year since its all about family and I can't wait! Thursday Chris and I will take the girls skating at the mall like we have done in the past every year. Breakfast first at Corner Bakery then skate till we crash, head to my aunt/mom's house for Christmas Eve dinner, Friday morning head to Abilene where the kids will have all their Christmas goodies! I can't wait to see their faces!
5. A fun trip planned to Abilene the week I am off to work! The kids are excited we have so much fun stuff planned!
6. 2010 holds a lot of fun and exciting things and I can't wait to get it kicked off! I know this year will be amazing!
7. Hannah seems to be doing better with school. We are trying to stay positive and keep focused. Extra help might still be needed we will see.
8. I am super proud of myself for finishing my Christmas shopping before Christmas Eve this year!
9. Oops take that back I need to find a snow globe! Hannah has been begging for one anyone have a clue as to where to find one? Hopefully before Christmas?!
10. I surprised Chris with what I like to think is a awesome Christmas gift. He got a 1yr old Black Lab named Lily on Sunday! He is in love! I am thrilled. He isn't easy to shop for!
Well I am 2 hours into my break and I am loving the fact that tomorrow we skate and that's it! I just have to make jello salad for Christmas Eve dinner. Trust me that's a piece of cake so I can't stress! I am excited to spend this Christmas with Chris and family. He hasn't been home for a Christmas in 3 years so I wanted this to be super special for him. I hope I succeed in this task.
Trust me pictures will be posted here and FB of our holiday fun! By the way check out our first holiday family photo! I think actually this is our first "family photo!" Not how thrilled we look. It was a long day!
Happy Holidays all and a wonderful blessed New Year! Time to snack and chill with my kids! They want some mommy time!!!

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