
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Yes I shop Black Friday, The early morning story!

I did something that I have never done in all of my adulthood.... I went shopping on Black Friday at 4am! Now some of you who saw my post on Facebook know that I along with Chris and his mom got up at 4am and proceeded to do some shopping. The funny part is I wasn't out looking for the best deals on gifts for family and friends I was actually looking for the best deal on a strapless bra and a new Christmas tree! Chris's mom was looking for a new spice rack, cooking utensils and towels. I know aren't we a sad bunch ha ha?! Chris decided to inform me late Thursday night that the dress I would be skating in for the ice show was not bra appropriate and that I would probably have to wear something else underneath it! Guess its a good thing I have him around. I decided to search Kohl's website to see what they had and while we where at it found a spice rack with a nice rebate and other items that Chris's mom needed. So hence our 4am Black Friday trip!
4am that alarm goes off and to my surprise we all get up get dressed and in good spirits head off to do some shopping. An even bigger surprise was getting to Kohls to see that the parking lot was not that full so we felt a bit better about going in for shopping. I was like the only women in the intimacy dept. looking for a bra ha ha. But hey I found it and it worked so who cares! Chris's mom got the items she was looking for so score one for us! The down side was the really long line to check out. We where some goofy slap happy people. Chris decided to try and throw his voice around like Jeff Dunham. I think the people around us did not find his ventriloquist like behavior funny at 4:30am or they didn't like the fact that we where not serious die hard Black Friday Shoppers. Who cares we got our stuff and we finally made our way out of there close to 5am.
Our next stop was Target. Funny story about that. So we pull in the back way to the Super Target and I was like "Holey cow no one is here yet!" "There is no way on Black Friday this store is not open something must be going on!" Sure enough we pull to the front of the store the whole left side of the parking lot is full of cars and there is a line from the front of the store down to Abrams! They apparently opened their doors at 5am so we got there just in time. Again not shopping for the big sale items that most of these crazy people standing in line where aiming for. Apparently there was a 31.5" flat screen going for dirt cheap and some crazy lady felt the need to buy 4 of them! Heck I was just there to get a new Christmas tree since the one I got last year broke. Again no one was over in that section so I didn't have to fight off people wanting to steal the tree I wanted!! Who cares we got our tree and that's all that matters!
We left there decided we where hungry for breakfast. It was now 5:30am and I joked hey lets get Cracker Barrel! I had to be home around 7 to get the girls hair curled for the show so we didn't figure we would have enough time to do it. Called Cracker Barrel turns out today they opened at 5am. We hopped on the highway and made it there by 6am! We grabbed a quick breakfast and made it home with time to spare!
I had a great time even though it was 4am! I was glad that Chris and his mom where up for the adventure at that hour. Maybe I will do more Black Friday shopping in the future!!

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