
Monday, September 7, 2009

Things I have learned in the last year....

Whooops I started this a few hours ago and my evening just kind of got away from me but now that the kids are asleep and laundry is drying I will now proceed to my weekly journal entry....
So in the last year I have experienced a lot of things been through a lot of things and met a lot of new people. This has brought on new learning experiences for me. Some are good and some well are why I say live and learn.
1. Always listen to the gut... its telling you something and it must be right by god!
2. People are not always who they appear to be. Never let your guard down till you are aware of who they really are. Just ask around.
3. Once a liar or a cheater always a liar or a cheater. I got a few ex's who fall into this category.
4. Pleasing everyone is stupid and a waste of time. Be yourself or be alone.
5. First impressions really are the lasting impressions no matter what people say. That goes for everything just do it!
6. Family is really just the most important thing there is around. Yes they might be screwy or backwards but they are family. There are the exceptions to those rules and I will say my family has a few. But I want to do what ever I can to keep those in my family close to me so me and my kids will have lots of memories to cherish when we are all older.
7. Being a single parent is hard. Being a single parent who works to much with multiple kids is even harder. Being a single parent with multiple kids who have multiple things going on and schooling is mission impossible!!
8. Being with out the person you love for extended periods of times teaches you what you value most and appreciate all things in that relationship.
9. Even when you think they aren't listening you kids will more often than not come back to you at the worst time usually and repeat what they overheard you say! Don't kids just say the darnedest things?!
10. Sacrifice is a part of life. It sucks and its hard but it makes you stronger. You should really try it.
11. periodically weed out your friends. I don't mean get rid of your BFF but look at who you associate with. Are they good for you? Are they they for you? Do they truly care about your happiness and well being? If you go through your messenger list, fb friends, phone book, ect. I bet you can remove more people than you thought and 9 times out of 10 you wouldn't even hear from them anyways so its not a total loss.
12. Gaining new friends, meeting new people is a great thing. I have met so many new people this year that I can enter into my circle of friends. It makes me feel so good about myself.
13. Sometimes those who might have let you down accidentally can redeem themselves in ways that you would never imagine. Go ahead give them a chance you might be blown away.
14. Kids are amazing simply amazing. They are the best teachers we have.
15. Last but certainly least. IF AND WHEN PEOPLE WANT TO HELP YOU LET THEM!!!! This does not make you a failure or not good enough. We all need help sometimes and when there are people around lending a hand take it. You will be a better stronger person for it. These people who help you must really love and care about you if they would make that choice to jump in and save you when you need it the most. Trust me this was a big lesson learned for me this weekend. Chris you have proved to me that you are my rock you are my savior. I love you for all you do for us. I know you wouldn't do what you do for us if you didn't truly love us, care about us and want the best for us. I love you so very much.
Here is the official count down as of tonight. He is almost there!!!!!
15% left to go!!!!!
Also we are planning to go to Dick's and possibly House of Blues the Saturday Nov 14th we want all our family and friends to join us to welcome Chris home. He has requested Dick's and I am throwing in HOB since its across the street and I hear its so much fun. Let me know if you are up for a fun night on the town!!

1 comment:

  1. Good Stuff, very true! This only comes from someone who has been through tough times and made sacrifices!
