
Friday, May 1, 2009

Really not a slacker!

Wow its been a while since I have updated! Things have just been tough. I am dealing with it but I guess that old saying is true..... "When it rains it pours!" That's about been my life the last well week or so. Life has just become one big overstimulating mess. I have so many things coming from so many directions I think for a while I forgot how to cope and deal and was not quiet me. And for those who know what that's all about I am sorry I apologize for all that has happened.

Moving on. I have decided to turn over a new leaf in my life. I need to become a more patient mom, person and teacher. I have let the stresses of all that has gone on get to me and I have to make that stop. I have been working on some things to help cope with that. I also am going to just remove people from my life that are negative and bring me down. I am not a good functioning person when they are in my life and it won't help me make the progress I want. So far this step is proving to be effective. I am very happy about that.

This weekend was quick and busy! The kids had a great time at the school picnic and the tour of the fire dept. I wish the weather would have been a bit better. Skating practice went very well and I am glad since we are two weeks away from competition. I finally got the thank you cards done from Ella Grace's party! Wow that took a while. I also found out that Sean is struggling in math so much so that it could effect how well he does next year in 4th grade. So I became very proactive about this printed off some multiplication work sheets and we worked on three of them. I figured out he gets stressed when you time him and only give him a few minutes to work on these problems like they do in school. I was the exact same way. I needed my time to take tests I focus better and Sean said he felt pressured and stressed only having a few minutes to answer these problems. When I gave him more time he answered 99 out of 100 correct and he seemed more relaxed. When I eventually get him tested I will bring this up. This could prove to be a big help in the long run. I am now looking into finding a summer math tutor. I am hoping one of my sisters can help if not I am open to suggestions!

Chris landed yesterday in the states! I am excited. He is now in Fl. with his family for the next 9 days and then he will be here. I am ready for him to get here. I am also preparing to move. I am hoping to make all that official this week too. Keep your fingers crossed. Its nice to be only a time zone away right now and not have to worry about if I am calling to early or if he is calling to early or to late. He will have a very busy trip. Hopefully this all does not go by to quick. Though I am sure it will.

Hopefully this week will be a bit more tame. Lord knows I need it. I enjoyed my weekend and am ready to see what this week holds. I will hopefully write more this week.

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