
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Picking and moving forward............

So it's been two weeks now and I am doing ok. These last few days have however been hard. Friday we had to have everything out of Alex's place and that was tough. I avoided it actually. Jason and his brother where great about it and went over there to get stuff. But today something drew me to his place. I guess maybe to be at peace and just say another good bye. ( I also found some random odds and ends that I salvaged!) I know this might sound stupid or corny but part of me wants to lease that place once they fix it back up. I mean I am looking to probably move and its pretty big but I think it would be hard at the same time and I know my family would probably have a hard time wanting to visit. I know like I said weird thought.

Today was Ella Grace's 4th birthday. Wow really it's been 4 years since she was born?! I of course remember every last bit of it. I was terrified. I was living in Naperville,Il. and did not have any of my family or friends there just me and Jason. I remember Hannah was such a proud big sister. I have some great pictures I will have to try and find to put up on here. We had a small family party at Jason's house. My sister Cammie came and spent the day hanging out with the kids and Jenny and Nate stopped by to have cake and bring candy! Jenny and Nate got engaged last weekend. The kids really really love both of them. Jenny lives in Austin and is a teacher. Ella was excited to have her aunt's with her and her new uncle. I made the fatal mistake however to buy a birthday cake with blue icing! Ugh it was blue everywhere! We had a great time none the less.

Easter was quiet and usually has been in our house. This year with it being Ellie's birthday we just kinda kept it all low key. Starting next year I am going to put more effort into it. Just given all the stuff I had been dealing with and stuff it all just snuck up on me and I didn't go all out like I have been known to do. The kids wanted an Easter Egg hunt but given the weather it just didn't happen. I also have been suffering horrible horrible allergies to the point where I broke down and lost it last night. I was up till 2 am and nothing was helping my throat hurt, my head on the verge of explosion and coughing and sneezing like you wouldn't believe. It really just put a damper on my Easter. I wanted to attended my friend Heather's daughters birthday party today but just was not in the cards and I feel truly horrible. I have to make it up to them!! The kids actually did not complain that Easter was pretty quiet. They loved their tootsie roll/piggy banks and the birthday cake so if they are happy I am happy. Thank you Jenny for all the candy! I have bogarted the Jelly Beans and not letting anyone near them!!!

If you have not noticed I have placed a counter at the bottom of my blog that shows how much longer I have to wait till Chris is on his mid tour break. I think it says 30 days! Wow that's a month that's going to come rather quick. The next few weekends are booked with activities so that will help make time go even faster. I am not sure if I will be moving or not but its in the works to break my lease. My wonderful cousin Tim has been helping me with this and I can not thank him enough. Everyone knows I have been calling my place the glorified storage unit and right now well its living up to that name even more so. I have so much stuff from Alex's place that either needs to go to storage or that I have now inherited. I am actually hoping I can move so I can start fresh and really put things how I want and get things all squared away. I am sure if Chris is reading this he is even more thrilled about his trip to Dallas hahaha! Sorry sweetie but you did want something to do on the days I have to work hahaha.

Well on a final note I just wanted to say Happy Easter to all my friends and family. I love all of you very very much. All of you have such a special place in my heart and mean the world to me. I look forward to seeing most all of you at Ellie's party next Sunday I am so excited. I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Easter. Don't eat to much candy! Till next time nite nite!!

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